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Smart Energy Design

Smart energy design architectural with solar

Smart Energy Design

A smart energy design incorporates a variety of concepts. Good planning and an understanding of natural processes can have a dramatic impact on energy efficiency, water usage and waste disposal to name a few. 

Passive House Design Elements

The Passive House concept targets a specific set of design criteria and performance metrics. It uses design elements to make the building as energy efficient as possible.  Learn more on our PassivHaus page.

Renewable Energy Systems

Adding renewable energy sources like solar panels to a building has a number of positive impacts. It reduces reliance on grid infrastructure meaning less chances of being impacted by grid failures. It also has the beneficial impact of reducing the power bills at a time when the cost of living is becoming a major issue for a lot of people.

Battery Energy Storage Systems

BESS or battery energy storage systems allow for the storage of the renewable energy we generated from solar panels, wind turbines and hydro power systems.

They allow us to collect the energy generated and store it for times when demand is higher. They can also provide power when the sun and wind are unavailable or the water is not flowing.

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water harvesting allows us to capture the most valuable commodity there is and use it when needed. Combining rain water collection systems with water storage tanks, a first flush system and and a quality filtration system can have a dramatic impact on health and wellbeing. We further reduce our reliance on grid infrastructure and potentially have a better quality of water for drinking and bathing, irrigation and cleaning.


Aquaponics is the process of creating a closed system that is a sustainable method of food production. That combines aquaculture (raising fish or other aquatic animals) with hydroponics (growing plants without soil) in a symbiotic environment.

Ecological Restoration, Rewilding and the science of environmental restoration.

A variety of techniques have been successfully engineered and pioneered the world over that are contributing to the regeneration of formerly barren landscapes. Many of these are being implemented both on small and large scales to improve the quality of soil and regenerate damaged land.

Smart Technology

Smart technology has become integrated with every aspect of modern life. We carry a smart phone in our pocket that carries our digital lives, our homes are connected to the internet through televisions and even lights.

However the more connected we become the higher the level of risk our personal data and even our physical security are exposed to.

Implementing smart design concepts into the way we secure the most private elements of our lives is becoming a must. The security systems on our homes and businesses and the locks on our doors are just a couple of the key aspects of this smart energy and smart technology design considerations.

Viridica takes a holistic approach

Our world is changing

Many changes we see are not always good and it requires constant work to maintain the systems, processes and engineering wonders that allow us to improve our lives.

Our approach is simple; we take a holistic view starting with where we live and work. We begin with a simple idea.

"What natural processes can we learn from and take advantage of that will reduce our reliance on others and make as as happy, healthy and self sufficient as possible."

Using a combination of smart design concepts that embrace smart energy, smart technology. We are taking advantage of the laws of nature to create sustainable practices that blend with modern technology to improve our lives.

Smart Systems and Smart Energy Ideas

Sustainable Systems

Adding smart energy and sustainable systems into the construction of businesses and homes goes a long way towards improving efficiency. Below are some more ideas that you can implement to add to the efficiency of your passive house.